Proverbs with Hindi Meaning

 Proverbs with Hindi Meaning

All English Proverbs with hindi meaning

A bad man is better than a bad name बाद अच्छा बदनाम बुरा। 
A bad workman quarrels with his tools नाच न जाने आँगन टेढ़ा। 
A bird in hand is worth two in the brush नौ नगद न तरह उधार। 
A burnt child dreads the fire दूध का जला छाछ भी फूंककर पीता है।
A drop in the ocean ऊँट के मुँह में जीरा 
A figure among cyphers अंधों में काना राजा
A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan ओस चाटे प्यास नहीं बुझती 
A honey tongue, a heart of gall मुख में राम, बगल में छुरी
A little knowledge is dangerous things
नीम हकीम खतरा-ए -जान 
All is well that ends well
अंत भला तो सब भला
An empty vessel sounds much थोथा चना बाजै घना 
A nine day's wonder चार दिन की चाँदनी फिर अँधेरी रात 
A rotten apple injures its companions एक सड़ी मछली सारी तालाब को गन्दा कर देती है 
As the king so are the subjects जैसा राजा वैसा प्रजा 
As you sow, so you reap जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी 
A varice is the root of all evils लालच बुरी बला है 
A wolf in lamb's clothing इंसान की सकल में शैतान
Barking dog seldom bite जो गरजते है वो बरसते नहीं
Beggars and borrowers could not be choosers दान की बछिया के दाँत नहीं देखे जाते
Beneath the rose lies the serpent विष रास भरा कनक घट जैसे
Better wear your shoes than your bed clothes बैठे से बेगारी भला
Between two stools we come to the ground दुविधा में दोनों गए, माया मिली न राम
Birds of a feather flock together चोर का साथी गिरह कट, चोर चोर मौसरे भाई
Black will take no other hue सूरदास की काली कमरिया चढ़े न दूजो रंग
Cattle do not die from crow's crushing बिल्ली के श्राप से छींका नहीं टूटता
Coming events cast their shadows before होनहार बिरवान के हॉट चिकने पात
Contentment is happiness संतोष परम सुखम
Crows are never the whiter for washing
Crying in wilderness
Cut your coat according to your cloth
Deep rivers move with silent majesty, shallow brooks are noisy
Diamond cut diamond
Do evil and look for like
Do good and cast it into the river
Drowning man catches at straw
Errors like straws upon the surface flow, one who is in search of truth must dive below
Even death cannot be had for the asking
Every potter praises his pot
Everything looks yellow to a jaundiced eye
Evil gotten, evil spent
Example is better than precept
Fool to others, to himself a sage
Forced labour is better than idleness
Fortune favours the brave
Gather thistles and expect pickles
God's will be done
good health is above wealth
Good marksman may miss
Good mind, good find
Great cry little wool
Guilty conscience is always suspicious
Half  a loaf is better than no bread
Hard nut to crack
He breaks his wife's head and then buys a plaster for it.
He jests at scars who never felt a wound
He, that is warm, thinks all are so
He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet
He who would sow well, must reap well
High winds blow on high hills
His wits are gone a wool-gathering